We are the QPA chapter of the National Honor Society!
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society (NHS) is based on four pillars: scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These pillars are more than just badges of honor, but rather principles that are intended to enhance a student's education and help them contribute to the world.
A student of scholarship is committed to learning and is willing to spend time studying and reading. They also pursue learning outside of the classroom and school environment.
Everyday service is about seeing a need and fulfilling it voluntarily. This could be driven by a passion for a cause or people in need, or by personal or family needs.
A leader is someone who has the influence to get people to do something extraordinary. They are not afraid to stand by their decisions, even if no one else is, and they have the drive to change the world for the better.
Character is demonstrated through actions. This could include how someone responds to a difficult ethical or moral dilemma, or how they consistently demonstrate positive attributes like compassion, empathy, and resilience.
The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) founded the NHS in 1921.